Why You Should Train to Become an Armed Guard

Becoming a security guard is a rewarding career to those who pursue it. As a security guard, you might not think about what the benefits to becoming an armed security guard. With additional training and education to be able to carry allows you to is further your career.

Becoming an armed guard carries extra perks in the field of security. Below are 3 benefits for becoming and armed guard.

Higher Pay

Money is always an ardent reason to go for additional training. Do not let yourself get stuck in a career dead-end. Many companies that hire security guards will not pay more than a certain amount of money unless they are an armed guard. If you are already employed you can speak to your boss and ask if they will pay more money if you carry a gun.

More Employment Choices

Armed security guards have a larger range of types of jobs then unarmed guards.

See Also: 7 Top Security Guard Gear You Need

Respect From Others

When people see that you are armed, they tend to respect you more. People also tend to feel more safe knowing there is an armed guard compared to an unarmed one. Having a gun on you makes you feel safer as well.