What are the Risks of Armed Security Guards?

Security guards that carry a gun while they are on duty may feel like they are more protected than an unarmed guard. What an armed guard doesn’t realize is that there actually more risks involved.

Risks of an Armed Security Guard

Whenever a gun is being carried there is more of a chance for the risk of death. When you add a gun to the equation, either an innocent bystander could get hurt, or the security guard could face death. Adding weapons on the job can make a situation more dangerous then it needed to be.

Another risk is when a company allows a guard that hasn’t been properly trained carry a gun on duty. A company should make sure the security guard is properly trained. When they don’t, they are risking the lives of people around them.

How to keep risks down?

When a company decides to arm their security guards, they should make sure that they are properly trained and only then can being armed help add another level of protection.