Typical Job Duties of a Security Guard

The main goal of any security business is to guard and protect someone/something. Here are some of the most common job duties a security guard will be asked to perform.
Theft Prevention
A common task a security guard might have is to make sure nobody is stealing merchandise from your employer, or contracted business. This can be done on foot, or patrolling in a car to watch business parameter.
Stand guard
A security guard may have to stand guard in a guard shack, or near entrances to make sure that whomever goes in and out of the establishment has the authorization to do so. They also might be responsible for directing people to the proper location when en.
Vandalism Prevention
Vandalism is wide spread through business districts. Sometimes businesses hire security people to patrol the area at night.
Identification Check
A security guard may have to stand guard at a check point to check customer’s identification and age. Examples might be at a bar, or a government facility. It’s important to make sure they are who they say they are, or are supposed to be there.
Monitor Security Cameras
Businesses using surveillance cameras need a security officer to monitor them to make sure no suspicious activity is occurring.
Avoid Potential Fights
A big task for security guards is to enforce the rules of the business to maintain order and avoid conflicts.
Security Checks
Places like airports and important events will need security officers to provide physical security checks to insure nobody is getting in with a gun or weapon.
Ensure Public Safety
Obviously, keeping people calm and under control is a part of the duties as a security guard. When there is an emergency or threat to the public, it is crucial to keep everyone from panicking as much as possible.
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